I don’t exactly know where to start when attempting to describe my blue-eyed little girl.
How do you sum up a volcanic personality with mere words?
It has been and continues to be a roller coaster with ups and downs and everything between.
But I shall do my best.
- You sleep more than anyone else in our house and I think it is so cute how you are nearly always the last one awake in the morning and after nap time as well.
You are my only child who will “catch up” sleep after a series of late nights.
Guess you require your beauty rest.
- Your little brother is obsessed with you and yells your name all. day. long.
He gets so upset when you leave for preschool and howls and howls.
But when you get home you immediately offer to take him outside to play.
“I’ll watch him” you tell me.
If you don’t get to kiss him goodnight, you claim you won’t be able to sleep.
- You are way too dang smart for your own good.
You can be mischievous and a bit conniving at times.
And let’s be honest, you can tell a straight-faced lie without even blinking.
We overheard you telling your big brother all about your alleged tooth fairy sighting, and he bought every word.
And speaking of his first lost tooth, you told him “you talk weowd without yo tooth in.”
- I’ve heard of children who roll their eyes when they are being lectured, but you are my first encounter with an eye-crosser.
Freaks me out and cracks me up every time I am letting you have it and your eyes go crossed or one of them veers the opposite direction as the other.
We finally had to put an end to it with threats of your eyes staying that way forever.
One of the oldest tricks in the parenting book.
- You still say “muse” instead of “use.”
Crossing my fingers you never grow out of that!
- I worried how you would do at preschool without your big brother to rely on, but you go and you do just wonderfully.
Although your teacher told me you refused to bring a reading book home because you “can’t weed.” (read)
- Love Love Love music and singing. (One trait straight from momma).
Especially Taylor “Swith.”
When you get in the car you are all business, begging me to find a song you know and getting quite angry if it gets changed.
Then you sing your heart out.
Then you ask if I heard your singing.
- You have become much more of a socialite.
Took you a little longer to decided you actually need friends.
You told me you needed to have a friend come over cuz you can’t just play with babies cuz they’re stinky.
- You are still a momma’s girl (which shocks me cuz we fight a LOT) and you love to talk my ear off.
You love when it is just you and me and you love when we dress somewhat alike.
But I sometimes feel like I am doing you a disservice as your mother because honestly, I’m not so good at managing you during the tough times, and I quickly lose my patience.
We have short fuses, you and I, and we both seem to send each other into a rage at the drop of a hat.
I’m sure yours are just typical girl, age-appropriate tantrums and mine is just burnt out energy from dealing with said tantrums all day, but believe it or not, I am working on it because it makes me feel like such an incompetent parent!
Maybe we have a lot to learn from each other?
I always secretly hope you are getting it out of your system and we will just sail through your teenage years.
- You are 200 % girl and wear one or more princess dresses every. single. day. (really saves me on laundry)
Then you don your plastic heels and ask if you can go for a walk.
Your dresses are now tattered and filthy, and you once fell apart when you tripped and broke one of your princess shoes.
When you are not wearing a princess dress, you will only wear an outfit if it contains a “cute skuut” (skirt).
Consequently, we have drawers full of clothes with the tags still on them, as you rotate through the same skirts day in and out.
You always promise you will wear a different outfit on a “dissint (different) day.”
You love shopping and pull me around the store showing me this princess thing and that Dora thing.
You are obsessed with makeup ( you tell Daddy to kiss you on the cheek so he doesn’t mess up your lipstick) and nail polish (painted in a “pattown” (pattern)).
I am not so obsessed with these 2 things.
You only wanna play (and clean up) with girl toys.
Your eyes get big and you notice every little detail when I get ready, from my hair, to my jewelry, to my shoes.
Although you love braids and cute hairdos, you still fight me every time I have to style yours.
I always threaten to cut it off, which sends you into a tearful fit, especially because then you won’t look like “Mapunzel” whom you once sighed and told me you wished you were. You sing her song so darn cute!
This girly girl is definitely giving the mom who wanted to become the first girl in the NFL a run for her money!
But I have been warned that this phase may be short-lived, so I am embracing it and cherishing every hair flip, every twirly skirt, every Barbie shoe on the floor.
- Little love. You are so adorable to me and you make me laugh daily. I can’t wait to continue growing closer and becoming the best of friends!!
- Here are some examples of your clever wit:
- One day you said in a sing-song voice, “Mom, did you marwy Dad?” After I said “yes” you said, “ew, that means you kissed!”
- One night you wanted to take a turn reading the scriptures and I heard lots of “It came to pasts” and other familiar scripture phrases. Made me laugh.
- One day you were looking at a picture from the scriptures and asked me who the man on the wall was. I told you his name was Samuel and you said, “Samuel the Lamanite?”
- One day you told me “bad guys are rude.”
- One night you went in and put on a nightgown with leggings under it to wear to my vball game. Since it isn’t uncommon to wear you jammies to my late games, I thought nothing of it. A couple days later I told you to go put your jammies on for bed and I pointed to that same nightgown. You looked at me in humiliation and saide, “What?? Those aw jammies?? I weared those to your basketball game!” Clearly you thought they were just a pretty dress.
- One day I got mad at you for doing something and then headed up the stairs. I overheard you telling McCoy “She makes me so mad and she is rude . . .” I peeked my head through the bannister to show I was still listening and after seeing me out of the corner of my eye you continued with “I said I wuv her so so, much.”
- Every night you ask if I’m going somewhere after you go to sleep. (like volleyball). One time when I got home you said “Mom, I don’t want you to go anywhere without me ever again because I wuv you so, so much and you are the best Mommy!”