Monday, November 05, 2012

a NAmE aNd a bleSSing

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You can really see her red eye and her dry nose in this one with her big brother!!

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And what her big sister does to all her mosquito bites in this one . . .

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This one just has mischief in his eyes!

He and his bro both got their summer haircuts from Nana!


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Bath from Daddy!

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Blessed June 24th by her very own daddy in the dress made by her great grandma that her mom, aunts, cousins and sister all wore.

Dad did a great job, as usual, despite being quite nervous and emotional, as usual.

The spirit may or may not have been disrupted right when the blessing began as I discovered I was missing a kid!

Turned out he was just hiding under one of the benches next to his cousins.

I’ll let you guess which kid it was:)

All family on both sides were in attendance except Grandma and Grandpa Fondue (on a mission) and the Roberts cousins (in Tennessee):(







P.S. my cousin said it perfectly when she proclaimed that blessing pictures are around to prove that you didn’t look as good as you thought you did.

Somehow the way I felt as my first venture out of sweats doesn’t quite match what the camera saw!

And my take home notes from the following pictures were to clean off my camera lens and . . . ahem, learn to sit like a lady. 

Good heavens!!

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The kitchen crew.

We took our smorgasbord large enough for an army to a pavilion in the 100 degree sun.


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Her big sister:





And her

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The burpiest baby I’ve ever met!!

And when I told the doctor so at 2 weeks, he said “Good!  That’s what most babies struggle with most and it causes tummy aches.”

When you got full you just gave up eating and went to sleep until you were burped.

You burped loud and usually at least twice in a row, and then would go right back to eating.

Would not go back to sleep unless you had burped!


Smiling at 2 weeks like a 6 weeker.

So cute when you scrunched your nose as you grinned.

Sometimes, you just scrunched your nose!


Loooved gas drops from the moment it touched your lips.

First kid to spit up Tylenol.


Leaned into kisses in a way that made us poke you in the eye with our noses!


Called “pancake” by older brother. ( I think he meant cupcake)


Heat rashes like crazy- big breakout right before the blessing.  (of course)


The longest eyelashes I’ve ever seen on a newborn.

They quadrupled in length and thickness every day and it was the first thing our Tennessee cousins noticed when they got to meet you in July.


Didn’t LOVE the binky- but the one you would take was of course, the discontinued one.

By five months we got you to tolerate the gumdrops ones from the store.


Lost your hair on top- as suspected, leaving you with awesome old man mullet hair.

New hair came in lighter.


Stuffy nose- just like sissy always had.

Loud breather.


Clogged tear duct- lasted a few months.


Bottle sometimes.

Never loved it though.

Began to loath it.

Currently not taking it . . .


Red eye went away by about 3 weeks.


Rolled at just a few weeks.



Sat up in the Bumbo the first time I put you in it.


Cooing at 2 months.


Standing on legs by 2 months.


Got to a point where u acted like you didn’t feel safe when bro or sis held you.


Giggled at 2 months.

At patty cake.

Being tickled.



Peek a boo.

Sister dancing.

When scared.


Also cooed back and forth with Mom!


Still looks just like sister.


And pinches just like sister did.


Tried being a Mama’s girl like sister but Dad wouldn’t have it:)


Chubby at 2 months.


Sucking on hands (double fisted) by 2 1/2 months.

Soooooo drooly.


Began fussing to sleep by a couple of months.

We would put you down when you were clearly exhausted and you would always cry for about 30 seconds and then go to sleep, no matter what.

Pretty cute.


Rolled both ways at 3 months.


Sucking on EVERYTHING at 4 months.


Could/can not establish a schedule.

By this time my kids usually go to sleep about the same time every night and wake the same time.

Sometimes you go to bed around 8-10ish and sometimes you will not!

Sometimes you settle right down, sometimes not!

Sometimes you sleep through the night and sometimes you wake around 2-4 and I have to give you the binky!

You eat in the morning between 5-8!

We started you on cereal before bed and sometimes you love it, sometimes you do not!

Sometimes you nurse really well right after you eat and right before you sleep, sometimes you do not!

Needless to say, I have a whole freezer full of pumped milk to bridge the gaps of your inconsistency!


And speaking of nursing, you are the nosiest eater I have ever met!

I have to go to a silent room or you whip your head around to see who is talking or making a sound, often spraying yourself in the face and drenching me!


Ears pierced at almost 5 months.

You cried until I let you taste a sucker:)


First tooth at 5 months.

Second tooth next day.

Some fussy nights explained:)


Say “Da da” in the softest cutest voice ever.


Bouncy from your jumparoo!


Found your tongue.


Growled at us.  So cute!


Though I would prefer you didn’t wake me at 5 AM every morning to eat, I cherish the time that I sit alone with you and rock you as you eat.  When you finish, you lay your head down on me and snuggle in.  It’s my heaven.

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Wednesday, October 10, 2012

twinKle toEs

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And then there’s this guy.

I kind of like him too.

And I wanna remember him just how he is.

Here are some of his milestones and characteristics this year.


Potty trained in January.

Next to 0 accidents since!!


Big boy bed (bottom of M’s bunk) shortly after.

Nearly killed us cuz he got out of bed 90. million. times. a night. (before we went to bed and after)

And he was not shaken by any type of punishment or threatening.

And I mean any.

(trust me, I tried them all)

In an attempt to get creative I put him in the dark closet and told him that was his timeout if he didn’t’ stay in bed. 

He cried and cried and then the next night, asked for his timeout.

I took him to the


dark basement and put him in the dark guest bedroom if he didn’t stay in bed.

Same response.

Turned off the night light, shut his door, put child proof handle on his door (he disassembled it and handed it to me).

Took him back to the crib (which he liked), yelled til I was hoarse, laid by him.

Was at my wit’s end until one day, a light went off in my own head and I put him on the top bunk and took down his ladder.

He quit getting out of bed and begs me to leave the ladder up every night.

So I do, as long as he stays in bed.

Although he still comes to visit often in the night and says “Mommy, I scaywee.” 

In which case we make him a bed on the floor except the nights he makes himself a bed on the floor and we can’t find him cuz he’s buried in blankets and throw pillows!


And “I scaywee” sort of became a theme as he decided he was afraid of everything from movie theaters, to fountains, to fireworks.


When he began putting sentences together, he would shake his head to indicate a negative.

(“like it” (head shake) meant that he did not like it)

(“want it” (head shake) meant did not want it.)


He also started saying “I lub it cake!” or “I lub it _____,”  (fill in the blank).

It was the cutest thing and he still tells me he loves things like tv shows all the time.


And he would say “Daddy do this,” or “____ do this” as he imitated what someone did or said.

One day he walked by the fire in our fireplace and said “The four (fire) do this,” as he wiggled and swayed to imitate the fire.

That was a new one for me!


Although he showed no interest in learning  his shapes and colors, the boy could pick out a star, a heart, or a butterfly anywhere.

(must have an older sister)

In fact we had to teach him to stop calling his Tom’s with skulls on them his “butterfly shoes.”

They are now referred to as his “pirates.”


Loves dressing as a princess with his sister.

Loves dressing as a super hero with his brother.


Fascinated with “tigas,” just like his big bro was.

And also “witchees.”  He could stare at the book “Sleeping Beauty” all day on the page with the picture of the witch.


Still told me/ tells me twice daily that he went on “elephant wide” and sometimes added/ adds “It fun.” 

Sometimes he even tells me I’m too big to ride on it.


Walked with his hands behind his back everywhere he went, like a goof.


When I told him to do something or stop doing something, he would say “Fine.”


Walked on the back of his toes- still does sometimes. 

Hence the name, “Twinkle toes.”


Bugged the heck out of any girl who hated to be bugged, namely his cousin Morgan and his sister!

Teased them incessantly!!


Obsessed with water and always getting into it!


Told people his name was “Mickey” (Emeki- his Hawaiian name)


Also told people he was four (his sister’s age).


Stopped calling water “Alco.” :(  which I was hoping would never happen.

Turned it into “wa wa” and now calls it “wogga.”


LOVED Papa’s boat and tubing and now tells me daily about those as well.


Also LOVED four wheeling and every time he heard an engine start up at the cabin, he came running and crying because he wanted on!!


Loves Lagoon and “Goona beach” and asks to go there all. day. long.


Calls his drink “dink.”


Decided he LOVERS peanut butter n honey samiches!!


LOVES singing and dancing!


Looks up to guys and has a special bond with his dad, grandpas and uncles.


Doesn’t like pop because it’s “spicy.”


Asks if I am sick before he will give me a kiss (because of the one week that I was).


Says “I wanna sit on yours lap.”


Now uses “Me” incorrectly. 

(“Look what me did!”)


Saw his brother and sister put on socks and tennis shoes for school and insisted he do the same every day.

We had to go buy him some new ones cuz his Converses were too small!

Boy was he excited about his “new one shoes.”


Before the baby came, I was afraid for her life because he had become so extremely hard, busy, naughty . . . call it what you want.

(I went with “Satan’s offspring” on most occasions.)

Undeterred by any punishment, he was “that kid” who hit babies, pulled hair, ruined everything and threw things at people from point blank range.

I basically avoided taking him out in public, and he spent most of his days in the corner or his room.

Yet tell him he was in trouble and he would fall apart and say “Don’t want it twouble!!” or “I not in twouble!!”

I had visions of putting a lock on the baby girl’s room and keeping her there most of the time.

The first time she was accidentally left unattended and he made it over to her, I cried harder than she did.

But then something amazing happened.

His -out of control difficult phase- sort of phased out and he grew up a little.

His ability to be reasoned with increased.

And, he loved her.


Whenever I have a new baby, I sometimes feel guilty on behalf of my current baby because I feel like I am betraying them.

With him it was no different.

However, each time we add to our family, our others are so filled with love for him or her that there has never been a moment of jealousy.

In fact, my kids keep asking if we can have 6+ kids.

(I don’t tell them yes- you have to stop somewhere!)

But it is such a natural relationship that it reminds me one of the reasons that we keep having babies is so they have each other!

It’s what life is all about.


Anyway, although I still do not trust him alone with the baby, my fear is gone because he is so good to her.

He loves fetching and throwing away diapers and I’ve seen him wipe the drool off her face.

He calls them “blow ups” and “spit outs.”

And every night he wants to kiss “her’s head.”


And though I toyed with the idea of sending him to preschool this year, things are going well and I am enjoying him so much!

(It helps to have D here so that we can keep him occupied and take turns taking him places)

He is such a cute little blessing in my life and I’m so proud of that one too!

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Monday, October 01, 2012

tiMe MarChes oN

The following week (last week of school) was extremely busy for us.

Some of our activities included:






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LOTS of Kindygartners!!

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Sooo proud of that one!  Wow what an easy kid to raise!

He says “Hello” to everyone everywhere we go.

He handles the role of big brother like a champ.

And he fits right in at school.

He loved Kindergarten and I know he will love 1st grade- though it will break my heart to go all day without him!

One of my favorite recent lines from him: We were in the car listening to the radio and Britney Spears’ Toxic came on.  He yelled from the backseat “Mom, this song is freaking me out!!”

Another happened when he pointed out rather astutely to my friend that she only had two kids.

She responded, “I know,” to which he replied, “Is that enough??”

She laughed and said “For me it is!!”

And for Mother’s Day, I received this:



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Mrs. Willmore- Awesome teacher!

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Soooo proud of that one!!!  She did an amazing job and danced perfectly -  even when they played the wrong song!!! 

That’s coming a long way since the days that she stood and glared at us the whole time!!

When she’s up, she up- when she’s down . . . watch out!

But she’s a pretty good sister.

No one has a soft spot for their little brother like this girl.

I still can’t joke about sending him to the zoo and I often catch her sharing her treats with him- when he’s already eaten his own!

Still doesn’t like pants and always asks if I need help when she notices my arms are full.

She also puts her hands on her hips in all her pictures.

When she grows up, she’s gonna have 100 kids and 27 dogs!


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The 3 Amigos

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Flowers from Daddy she picked out herself!

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Picture Day- Compliments of Nana

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And our cute little bug!!


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Girl Power!!

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