Monday, August 29, 2011

C turns 4

Because I am a negligent mother and had plans to miss C’s real 4th birthday, we threw together an impromptu party with family to supplement the big upcoming princess bash.  As usual, I tried to keep it simple, and D said “Go big or go home.” 

So we got out the blow up slide (which had basically become a permanent fixture on the side of our house as mommy’s excuse not to have to drag kids to the pool) and fired up the barbecue.

Then we let the kids play to their hearts content and stuffed ourselves with good grub. 

The attendees were the Snells, the Fondues and Grandma and Grandpa.




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Is she a girl or what???

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Fav gift of the night!

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mothEr’s Day deLay

Just when I was beginning to believe my Mother’s Day present was not really “in the mail,” I finally received my sweet surprise.

Kenny Chesney, 4th row, here we come!

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Unkle Kracker:  The opener (on Krack)

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Billy Currington

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Got a smile and a hand touchSmile.  Twice.

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And then got beer spilled on my shirt by an idiot.

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Kenny himself.  Or Ken as I call him.

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Got touched by him too!

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Billy AND Kenny.  Or Bill and Ken.

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Thanks Babe!! Love himSmile

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Sunday, August 28, 2011




YaKiMa, WAshinGton!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!




Wah wah wah.


Why there?, you ask.

Well, to visit some of our very favorite people of course!!

We got a personal tour of their cute house, the cousins got to play and have a sleepover, we were made privy to some very secret information (BABY NEWS) and then we ventured over to Seattle.

More car ride for us.

But very worth it.


It also happened to be a special holiday.

Cue patriotism!

And cue weirdos.


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Pike Place Market

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Check out this girl’s hair!!!

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(Apparently D is a big fan of Pike Place Market!)



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THE gum wall.

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Eating fish n chips- and feeding it to the seagulls as well.

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Stroller buddies

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The firework show we were facing the wrong direction for, had the most kiddos for and also were the only straight folk for.

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Famous fish throwing spot.  (out of focus)

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Sleepy guy

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Space needle

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The Lion’s Club was holding an International convention and they had a huge parade with bazillions of people from other countries.

Think, the Olympics.

Anyway, a lot of the foreigners found our little fair-skinned, blonde-headed children so irresistible they wanted to snap a few photos with them.

Kinda weird and random. 

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Seattle: Very cool/ dirty

The Seattleans: Very strange/ freaky

The bathrooms: Very sparse/ gross

The Space Needle: Very high/ dull

The parade: Very cool/ long

The fireworks: Very late/ impressive

The Marriott: Very average/ homey

The food: Very yummy/ fattening

The company: Very amazing/ wonderful!!!!!!!









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