Tuesday, January 29, 2013

pioNeeR ChilDreN sanG aS theY waLked

And for the 24th, it was Soda Springs and back to George for us.

It was so hot that we had to make our own fun bumming around Soda Springs.



A's phone pics from Mom 027

A's phone pics from Mom 026




Then we headed to a pioneer settlement in Chesterfield.

It seemed quite fitting to spend pioneer weekend there.

It was sooo cool – and even the kiddos loved it.

A's phone pics from Mom 028


A's phone pics from Mom 010


A's phone pics from Mom 029


A's phone pics from Mom 012



Don’t judge me, I’d been camping in the dusty heat for 3 days



A's phone pics from Mom 016






A's phone pics from Mom 020


A's phone pics from Mom 021


A's phone pics from Mom 022


A's phone pics from Mom 023


A's phone pics from Mom 024




But of course this little girl still looked adorable, even after camping for 3 days.

A's phone pics from Mom 031

A's phone pics from Mom 032


A's phone pics from Mom 033


A's phone pics from Mom 034


A's phone pics from Mom 036


A's phone pics from Mom 037


A's phone pics from Mom 038


We were all so grateful to go home and shower!

(not quite the camper I once was)

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