Tuesday, January 29, 2013

pioNeeR ChilDreN sanG aS theY waLked

And for the 24th, it was Soda Springs and back to George for us.

It was so hot that we had to make our own fun bumming around Soda Springs.



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Then we headed to a pioneer settlement in Chesterfield.

It seemed quite fitting to spend pioneer weekend there.

It was sooo cool – and even the kiddos loved it.

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Don’t judge me, I’d been camping in the dusty heat for 3 days



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But of course this little girl still looked adorable, even after camping for 3 days.

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We were all so grateful to go home and shower!

(not quite the camper I once was)

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Monday, January 28, 2013

RanDom JulY on mY phOne







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OBSESSED with her profile and her lashes.  Spent an entire afternoon trying to capture them on my phone.


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My exercising students.  “Baby aerobics.”


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My little Knight

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Bath Time Photo or D Attempting to Eat our Child, you decide.



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Ready for a swim.  (or just to look good on the side)

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Shoe shopping:  How’s a girl to decide?

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Yummy pedicure by a very creative Korean!

A's phone pics from Mom 007

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Wednesday, January 23, 2013

JivinG at 5


We usually try to plan Princess C’s Bday around the Sudweeks Family Reunion (AKA whenever the Roberts can come out).

This year was no exception.

We had planned pizza and a water party, but then it rained.

So, we moved on to the pedicures for all the girlies.

I was so grateful I had my assistants because I was totally winging it!


And as a PS the Bday girl was acting like such a diva, I’m not sure she would have lived through her birthday had her aunts not been there to help!

Her gifts this year were about 90% clothes, and I don’t think she’d had it any other way!

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LOVED her cupcake cake!  Why would I ever wanna mess with that and make my own?? 

Don’t fix what’s broke I always say.

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This girl was soooooo excited to be five and she counted down the seconds til it was official- as if her life would completely change once she hit that milestone.

While the other kids wore swim suits in anticipation of the swim party- she wore her Sunday best.

She can still tell a bold faced lie without blinking- and we’re working on it.

She can still pout, throw tantrums and lash out at the drop of a hat- but they are getting fewer and fewer.

She still has a major soft spot for her little brother and her mom- and looks up to her big brother.

Learned to ride a bike with no training wheels- but refuses to take off her skirt and heels to do so.

Gearing up for kindergarten- but too stubborn to practice academics.

Still looks like her daddy- and now has a mini me who does too.

Loves to sing and dance- but gets a little shy about it.

Is growing up before our eyes!!

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