Wow. So going public was pretty UNeventful and caused me to wonder why I made such a project of doing so since pretty much no one gives a rip.
You could say that today I’m in a slightly different place than my post about JANUARY. (And that may be putting it lightly) It is now May and I’m trying to get up the courage to document our very busy April. Prepare yourselves for lots of photos people!! (I guess I just said that to myself).
I mean, I still see glimpses of that cheesy, ambitious woman/mother with the annoyingly perfect life but let’s just say that although I keep on trucking, some days are just HARD!! And I do complain, and I yell, and I get mad at D a lot. Today I told him that I would only have more children with him if we got rid of some of the ones we have. And I meant it!!
All 3 kids are just going through different things right now that are exerting every ounce of energy I do not have in the first place!! M stresses me out socially. And with kindergarten next year. And the stupid bus the stupid district took away. And my stupid neighborhood for putting all their stupid kids (too far?) in afternoon kindergarten, leaving us as the only ones out of like 50 in morning. Who does afternoon kindergarten anyway?? Lazy people, that’s who!! jk. Seriously though, I am just so anti. I already know next year with one in half day kindergarten and one in preschool is going to be difficult. The last thing I want is to have to send them off smack dab in the middle of my day!!
And what can I say about C except that the tantrums are still there!!?? I liked her at age 2 and age 3 but 2 1/2 and 3 1/2 have just been constant fights and pouting. (Us mom and our hairbrained theories, right?) Here’s hoping that she grows up a lot when she hits 4 here shortly!
My precious little baby does not like his precious little baby feet to touch the floor ALL. Day. Long! Why do they even learn how to walk?? Man he’s cute but man he’s whiny. And busy. Guess we have arrived at that age.
And don’t even get me started on their father . . .
So before I close, I just want to provide evidence via the outline of my day to back up the total downer tone of this post. (I also blame hormones- don’t I always- and the chronic gray skies). Don’t get me wrong, there are happy moments mashed in there as well, (I’m omitting those for the sake of my argument) but let’s just say it’s been a long day that started at 6:50 when the baby screamed his head off for breakfast and then proceeded to whine at me all morning.
M came down and demanded breakfast as well.
Of course E had to eat again.
When I checked on the sleeping princess, what to my eyes did appear?? Why, she was awake in her bed in a puddle of urine. For the second morning in a row. Sure glad I busted my you-know-what to get laundry all finished yesterday so that I can continually wash all her bedding thoughout the week!!
I probably pulled E away from playing in the toilet 4 times between giving him bowl after bowl of cereal as my failing attempt to distract him. The cereal ended up all over the house and he was so whiny that I decided to give him a morning nap.
He slept for perhaps 20 minutes.
Took the older two to music and had what felt like 20 minutes before I had to go back and retrieve them.
Worked intermittently on blasted blog book. Only 1/3 done!
Let them eat lunch/ play outside because the sun came out for the first time this week and after about 10 minutes I went outside to check on them to find them soaking wet and muddy. What the Yell???
Changed them both and made them take a nap.
Tried to take my own nap but awoke to two neighborhood children knocking on our door.
The baby slept for maybe 45 minutes before he was screaming and again, whiny.
Older two woke up and I slowly got C ready for Tball game.
Find out right after that it’s cancelled, thanks to yesterday’s rain.
Yell at 3rd pest control salesman whose rated #1 and won’t take “no” for an answer this week. No really, I was pretty mean.
Began dinner and cleaned up messes made by E.
Had to make more dinner cuz everyone wanted seconds.
Got ready and shoed everyone out the door for my vball game, inserted curlers on the drive and almost got pulled over by a cop.
Drove home and rounded everyone up for bed.
Discovered problems with M’s head wound (details in later post), problems with C’s bladder once again (oh yes! and right after she plopped down on my pillow), and even though I rocked, hugged and inhaled every little bit of the baby before gently laying him in bed, he decided to scream 10 minutes later.
And so did I. Not really, but you know.